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Posted In: Reflective posts

6 November 2020

Reflective Post Week 12


While this week we didn’t have any readings or technical things to learn, we still had a lot to get done. For the final project, I chose to work with a group, which has been great! Honestly, I am normally not a big fan of group projects but working with my group this time has been great. We all get along well, get our work done, and contribute to what needs to be done. Everyone is very patient and has contributed so many ideas, our project really wouldn’t be the same without all these ideas.

So, this week we got to write out our proposal and bring all the ideas we have to the page and get it set in stone. We have had a few brainstorming sessions already where we have gotten on a zoom call and solidified our project and decided what we want/need to do. To work on our project I created a google doc that I then shared with Seline and Sarah. That is where we have all the deadlines, information, and everything else stored. We also began writing our proposal here.

For the proposal, we went a less traditional route in my opinion. Instead of writing in paragraphs or numbers, we went through the syllabus, reading, and messages with Dr. Pilsh and compiled all the questions/needs that the proposal needed to meet and created bullet points. After this, we then went through and added all the answers to these questions and more info in order to make our proposal. I think this is an effective way to make a proposal because you can easily find all the information and make sure it is quickly and effectively answered.

Those are some words that you will probably hear a lot throughout this and the rest of our project: easy, quick, and effective. Those are the main goals we have and now I will share with you what our project is and why those are the goals. For our project, as I mentioned last week, we have decided to create a website to provide information to Texas A&M University students on voting. This website will cover topics such as how to vote, how to register to vote, where to vote, information on the two main candidates, and more. The goal of the site is to inform our fellow students of the importance of voting and how they can do it. We plan to accomplish this by making a site that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effective in the way it presents information.

I think this is a very important topic to cover as we are in the middle of a very important election. I wish we could have made it earlier and had it out and able to use it for people before the election actually happened. However, I am still excited to make it and go over the information because I love politics and am excited to write about the information. Can’t wait for yall to see it!
